TM 11-5840-281-35/1
b. Assembly. To assemble azimuth drive motor,
(4) Attach terminal board (47) and terminal board
support (48) to motor housing using four screws (45) and
proceed as follows:
(1) Slide field assembly (55) into motor housing (59).
(5) Attach terminal board (51) and terminal board
Orient field assembly so wires can be fed through hole in
support (52) to motor housing using four screws (49) and
motor housing.
(2) Secure field assembly in place with two set-
(6) Using schematic of azimuth drive assembly as
screws (54), then feed wires through hole in motor
guide (fig. 7-64), connect wires from field assembly (55)
housing and install grommet (56).
to terminal boards (43, 47, and 51).
(3) Attach terminal board (43) and terminal board
(7) Install spring tension washer (38), washer (39),
support (44) to motor housing using four screws (41) and
Figure 5-11. Azimuth drive motor, exploded view.