TM 11-5841-287-30
(2) Connect the equipment as shown in
Removal and Replacement of Chassis-
Mounted Parts and Panel Mounted Parts
(3) Prior to adjusting the encoder power
supplies, refer to figure 3-7 for the location of the
There are no special instructions for the removal and
Set all
replacement of chassis-mounted parts No special tools
overvoltage protector ADJ screws to their maximum
are required. When replacing parts, use standard shop
clockwise (cw) rota- \partion.
methods Refer to figure 3-4 when replacing parts on the
(4) Connect the digital voltmeter (DVM)
between terminals 3 and 4 (gnd) on power supply 2PS1
parts on the data link control.
a. Make
(5) Turn the equipment on by setting the
capacitors, fuses, lamps, etc are of the same value and
equip-ment controls as follows.
type of the one replaced.
(a) Set the control interface unit
b. Use epoxy coating sparingly on those
POWER ON/OFF switch to ON and the MODE SELECT
hardware items requiring epoxy coating
switch to UNIT TEST ENC.
c. Tag wires for identification on wired
(b) Set the data link control POWER
switch to STBY.
d. Make sure all hardware items such as
(6) Adjust power supply 2PS1 ADJ POT
washers, lockwashers, setscrews, etc are installed when
for + 5 + 0. 1 volts
replacing knobs, controls, switches, etc
(7) Set the data link control POWER
3-20. Repair of Electrical Filter Assembly 2FL1
switch to OFF
(8) Connect the DVM between terminals 4
Repair of electrical filter assembly 2FL1 is performed by
and 3 (gnd) on power supply 2PS2.
making continuity checks and replacing defective parts
(9) Set the data link control POWER
Refer to figure 3-6 for the location of filter parts and the
switch to STBY.
schematic A wire hst for the filter assembly is shown on
(10) Adjust power supply 2PS2 ADJ POT
for -5 + 1 volts.
3-21. Adjustments
(11) Set the data link control POWER
switch to OFF
(12) Connect the DVM between terminals 3
During adjustment, dangerous potentials
and 4 (gnd) on power supply 2PS3.
up to 115 V ac are applied to exposed
(13) Set the data link control POWER
terminals and wiring In the encoder
switch to STBY.
chassis Exercise extreme caution when
(14) Adjust power supply 2PS3 ADJ POT
working inside this chassis throughout
for + 12 + 0.1 volts Connect DVM positive lead to 2PS3
the rest of thus procedure.
pin 5. Check for - 12 _ 0.1 volts.
The following paragraphs contain information for
(15) Set the data link control POWER
adjusting the encoder dc power supplies (2PS1, 2PS2,
switch to OFF.
2PS3) and associated overvoltage protectors (2U1, 2U3,
c. Overvoltage Protector/Adjustments.
2U4). Adjustments are required when any of the power
supplies or overvoltage protectors are replaced or when
The DVM connected in the following
faults are indicated during the functional test-
steps will be used to indicate when the
ng Refer to figure 3-7 for location of all power sup-
overvoltage protectors have been
ply adjustments and test points
a Test Equipment Required.
The following test
(1) Connect the DVM between terminals 3
equipment is required for performance of the adjust-
and 4 (gnd) of power supply 2PS1.
ment procedures.
(2) Set the data link control POWER
Test equipment.
Common name
switch to STBY.
(3) Slowly adjust overvoltage protector
2U1 ADJ potentiometer (fig. 3-7) counterclockwise (ccw)
Test Set, Electronic Systems
Control interface unit
until the + 5 volt supply short-circuits.
(4) Set the data link control POWER
b. Power Supply Output Voltage Adjustments.
switch to OFF and adjust 2U1 ADJ potentiometer
(1) Perform steps (1) through (4) of
clockwise six complete turns. Overvoltage protector 2U1
is now set to trip at + 6 8 volts.
Change 1 3-28