TM 11-5841-287-30
either one of the TEST momentary switches to the down
(14) Initiate a complete test sequence by
pressing either one of the TEST momentary switches to
the down position
(15) Initiate a second test by repeating step
The TEST red indicator lamp for the
(14) above Verify that the green PASS indicator lamp on
switch selected will be illuminated while
the digital tester illuminates at the completion of the
the test is in progress
second test
(8) Initiate a second test by repeating step
(16) Set the DISPLAY switch on the digital
(7) above Verify that the green PASS indicator lamp on
tester to PROBE
the digital tester Illuminates at the completion of the
second test
locations and connect the logic probe to U10 pin 4, on
(9) Remove A7 program card no 1 from
the circuit card under test
the card reader slot on the digital tester
(18) Initiate a test by pressing down on the
(10) Insert A7 program card no 2 (SM-A-
digital tester TEST switch Verify that the probe tip lamp
942410-2) into the card reader slot
flashes during the test
(11) Set the TEST RATE PER SEC switch
(19) Remove the logic probe tip from U10
on the digital tester to 1M
pin 4 and connect it to U10, pin 12
(12) On the digital tester, load the program
(20) Repeat step (18) above
on the A7 program card no 2 into the digital tester
(21) Remove the probe tip from the circuit
memory by pressing the PROGRAM ENTER momentary
card test point and set the POWER switches on the
switch to the down position
equip-ment to their off positions Remove the circuit card
(13) Verify that the READY/ERROR white
under test and the program card from the test setup
indicator lamp on the digital tester illuminates when the
program has been entered
Figure 3-12. Video control 2A7 test point locations.