TM 43-6625-916-12
0006 00
b. Perform tests (either manual or automatic). There are four menu paths for Interrogator testing.
Manual Manual mode allows the operator to control the execution of individual test modes using the
S1 sequence button. Tests can be repeated by pressing S2. The operator can back up to a previous
test in the sequence by holding down the S1 button for three seconds. An additional manual-mode-
only feature is the ability to view UUT parametric data. The operator gains entry to parametric
screens by pressing the S3 button. Subsequent S3 pushes display additional parametric screens,
ultimately cycling back to the first page.
Automatic The Automatic mode provides testing of all formats with the speed and convenience
advantage of a single button push (S1). Pushing S2 will repeat the test in its entirety.
Sensitivity Pressing S1 initiates the MDL Test. Pressing S2 increases the Margin by 1 dB. Range
is 0 dB to -12 dB.
Scenario - Pressing S1 sequences through ATCRBS level, dive, climb, above, and Mode S level,
dive, climb, and above scenarios.
Interrogator testing normally requires setting the Test Set to an appropriate
altitude. The Test Set's altitude select screen is accessible after entering the
interrogator test mode (See Menu Structure Chart, Figure 6-1.). A KIT-1C
COMSEC device loaded with the code of the day must be attached to the
Test Set during Mode 4 interrogator testing. Connect the KIT-1C as
described in WP0005 00 and, unless already programmed, load the
COMSEC with the code of the day. The KIT-1C may be disconnected at the
conclusion of interrogator tests.
From the "Device to test
"Inter Test Manual?" screen is displayed.
Transponder" screen, go to
the "Inter Test Manual?"
It may be necessary to
press S2 to navigate to the
appropriate interrogator
test menu screen because
the Test Set retains the
previous state of the last
test or action performed.
Press S2, S1. Then press S2
the number of times necessary
to cycle to the "Inter Test
Manual?" screen.